Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Two Necklaces

I am enjoying learning to tat. I am still working through the Marilee Rockley course on Craftsy, but detoured slightly to practice some more basic rings and chains with picots.

This little necklace above was a very simple pattern for Celtic edging, just rings and chains, no joins. I then threaded ribbon through. It was a free pattern from Celtic Tatting

Then I was back to the course and tatted this piece, the Rhapsody necklace. I just need to get some chain and then attach this to finish the necklace.

For both of these projects I used Finca thread. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of some Lizbeth that I have ordered on-line.

So this is now four pieces for the 25 motif challenge (I counted the two pairs of earrings as one as it was the same pattern!)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Earrings and a Bracelet

This blog is to keep my adventures in tatting separate from my sewing blog!

After a long time of unsuccessfully trying to teach myself shuttle tatting, I signed up for a course on Craftsy. Now a few weeks later I think I have the basics figures out!

Both are designed by the teacher of this course, Marilee Rockley

Floret Earrings

Classic Edge Bracelet

Floret earrings

The blue earrings are made with crochet thread and seed beads. 

The black bracelet and necklace are made with Finca No. 5 thread.

Both called for size 8 seed beads, I just used what I had available.